
Two Types of Agate It Hunted Tourists Been to Bali

Crafts agate made by artisans in Bali, especially the type of stone Shappire and ruby (ruby) hunted many domestic and foreign tourists who are visiting the tourist area.

"Agate has many types, uniqueness and myths are believed to have a spirit and a certain strength," said Nyoman Raditya, a craftsman agate in Kerobokan area-Badung, Bali, Tuesday (2/12).

He explained agate is a cultural heritage passed down from ancestors which has its own charm, so that when used sbagai stone ring, Bross and sweeteners jewelry is believed to be a talisman (sweetener), accessories as well as a collection.

According to him, agate is quite diverse and varied than the name, shape and size and to get agate is not difficult, many jewelry stores that sell them.

"As Shappire and ruby stones (Red Pomegranate) that most people buy for jewelry and for collection only. But usually to have a genuine and quality goods need to be patient and careful, because a lot of counterfeit goods," he said.

He explained, usually the craftsman and stone merchants get these stones from the stone manufacturers in Java and in other cities with capital ranging from Rp 300,000 to hundreds of millions of dollars per piece and resold at varying prices.

According to him, the selling price of rock seen from the texture color, size, clarity or accuracy, age and type, as well as treatment of the stone itself. Of the benchmark selling price can be taken, such as Shappire usually sold at a price of Rp500,000 to infinity.

Agate to the type commonly called ruby or garnet red, the craftsmen at once merchants who normally get supplies from Java or Borneo, which are usually sold at a price of Rp 5,000,000 to hundreds of millions, because it has a distinctive feature. Diantaraya as jewelry that has a value of the buy and sell high.

Iwan Yulianto, traders and collectors stone from Java, explaining to some types of agate has a meaning or significance, such as ice or crystal stones have characters add to sobriety, Solomon Stone for inner peace, add authority and keagunggan.

The many foreign tourists like a stone that has a high cultural value such as stone Solomon, siam red stone, turquoise. And they did not hesitate to pay a little fee that is not untum have the philosopher's stone.

Iwan did not put up the price of the playful anyway, because to get agate magical, must use a variety of conditions.

He explained, for one unit of stones just have to spend capital ranging up to Rp6.000.000 Rp4.500.000 per unit, and the bias is resold for $ 10,000,000 per unit, even then depending on whether or not the stone.

As well as cabbage buntet stone used for black magic antidote sold at a price for each unit price Rp15.000.000 influenced rock stone age and the meaning or usefulness. "Age stone can be seen from the color tingak clarity, size, and type of the stone," said Iwan.

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